Use of images
All images on are subject to the Swiss Copyright Act.
The use of images, especially the reproduction in print or digital media, requires consent of the author and a fee is charged (exceptions mentioned below). The price depends on the kind of use, size, print run etc., favourable flat rates are possible if several images are used.
For nonprofit organisations, especially nature conservation organisations, special conditions are offered.
Order: You can order images by e-mail to Michael Gerber (
Please indicate the image IDs (or filenames) of the required images.
The images are delivered as JPEG (maximum quality), other formats are possible according to prior agreement.
Private use
According to the Swiss Copyright Act, images may be used freely for private use, for education purposes at schools and universites and for internal information or documentation in enterprises, administrations, institutions etc. – there is no need to get the author's consent for this kind of use.
Use for other websites
The use of images for other websites is only allowed with consent of the author. The use of small numbers of images for private websites is – under certain conditions – normally free of charge.